Rotator cuff muscles anatomy pdf

Trauma, such as falls, lifting, and pulling forcefully can also cause a rotator cuff tear. At the distal aspect of the rotator cuff, the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons splay out and interdigitate, forming a common continuous insertion on the middle facet of the humeral greater tuberosity. As part of the rotator cuff, these two muscles help hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula. The shoulder joint is stable because of the rotator cuff, but it is also relatively weak. Gently stretching after strengthening exercises can help reduce muscle soreness and keep your muscles long and flexible.

The rotator cuff muscles are a group of muscles that originate on the scapula and insert onto the head of the humerus and provide stability across this joint. There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper. Anatomy slap tears a slap tear is an injury to the labrum of the shoulder, which is. Make sure youre prepared for questions on its attachments, innervations and functions with our upper extremity muscle anatomy revision chart.

Famous physical therapists bob schrupp and brad heineck demonstrate the 10 best rotator cuff exercises for strengthening your shoulder from beginner to advanced. Learn rotator cuff anatomy physiology with free interactive flashcards. The rotator cuff is actually a group of 4 muscles that originate on the scapula and envelope the humeral head like a cuff on the wrist. One of the muscles rotates the humerus internally inward and attaches to the lesser tubercle. Clinical anatomy the application of anatomy to clinical practice kinematics. The rotator cuff tear is an example of a traumatic lesion of the rotator cuff where it comes to a rupture of one or more tendons up to the point of a complete tear of the rotator cuff muscles. This ebook contains highquality illustrations and validated information about each muscle. Each muscle originates on the shoulder blade or scapula and connects to the arm bone, or humerus. Exercises that involve pressing your arm against a wall can help strengthen the muscles that make up your rotator cuff. Most people with rotator cuff injuries can recover with rest and physical therapy.

The rotator cuff is four muscles connected by tendons to the humerus, or upper portion of the shoulder. These muscles and tendons hold the arm in its ball and socket joint and are involved in essentially all shoulder motions. Choose from 500 different sets of rotator cuff anatomy physiology flashcards on quizlet. It provides stability and strength for the shoulder joint, anchoring the humerus upper arm bone to the scapula shoulder blade so that movements of the arm can occur in a. The rotator cuff is the complex of four muscles that arise from the scapula and whose tendons blend in with the subjacent capsule as they attach to the tuberosities of the humerus.

The rotator cuff of the shoulder is made up of four muscles. The rotator cuff has the important job of stabilizing the shoulder as well as elevating and rotating the arm. Exercises you can do at home exercises are a very important part of treatment for a rotator cuff disorder. These four muscles take origin on the body of the scapula and insert on the tuberosities of the proximal humerus. The muscles of the rotator cuff and arm, posterior view. Exercises focusing on rotator cuff and scapular muscles do not improve shoulder joint position sense in healthy subjects. May 17, 2018 rotator cuff injuries can range in severity from simple inflammation to complete tears. The rotator cuff is the name given to the group of four muscles that are largely responsible for the ability to rotate the arm. When a rotator cuff tear occurs, one or more of the tendons detaches from the humerus. It provides stability and strength for the shoulder joint, anchoring the humerus upper arm bone to the scapula shoulder blade so that movements of the arm can occur in a smooth and coordinated fashion. The rotator cuff is an integral part of the anatomy of the shoulder. When one of these tendons is torn, it may be painful to lift or rotate your arm. Rotator cuff tendinopathy indicates a problem with your shoulder muscles. Rotator cuff injuries are very common, affecting over 3 million people in the united states every year.

There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper this quiz has tags. The least supported part of the joint lies in the inferior location, where it is unprotected by muscles. Good rotator cuff flexibility allows for unrestricted, pain free movement of the shoulder and arm. Key features of the netter collection of medical illustrations. The rotator cuff consists of a group of 4 important shoulder muscles. The aim of this presentation is to discuss the current literature and opinions on the biomechanics of the rotator cuff and relate this to the clinical relevance in rotator cuff tears. Subscapularis infraspinatus supraspinatus teres minor helpful mnemonic to remember these muscles tendons is sits these muscles arise from various. Strength testing manual muscles testing or with a hand held dynamometer. A rotator cuff injury can cause a dull ache in the shoulder, which often worsens. Rotator cuff evaluation shoulder evaluation charles hooper, d.

The four muscles are the supraspinatus muscle, the infraspinatus muscle, teres minor muscle, and the subscapularis muscle. Other causes of a tendinopathy can be found in impingement of the bursa and calcification of the tendons from the rotator cuff muscles. Sports that benefit from the rotator cuff stretches below include. The muscles of the shoulder dynamically function in performing a wide range of motion, specifically the rotator cuff muscles which function to move the shoulder and arm as well as provide. The rotator cuff refers to a group of four muscles and their tendons, which help to stabilize the shoulder when its moving particularly during rotational motion. Pdf the rotator cuff muscles subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and. The rotator cuff consists of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor muscles and tendons. The rotator cuff rc is a common name for the group of 4 distinct muscles and their.

The names of 3 of the muscles are actually the combination of anatomical directions and landmarks, indicating where the muscle is located. Strengthening the muscles that support your shoulder will help keep your shoulder joint stable. With your elbow at a 90degree angle, put the palm of your hand on the side of a wall or door frame thats in front of you a. Your rotator cuff is made up of muscles and tendons that keep the ball head of your upperarm bone humerus in your shoulder socket. These four muscles arise from the scapula and insert into the humerus. They are also referred to as the sits muscle, with reference to the first letter of their names supraspinatus, infraspinatus,teres minor, and subscapularis, respectively. The shoulder girdle and upper arm are made up of a number of muscles and tendons. The rotator cuff tendons include supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis figures 1 and and2. Rotator cuff tear scenarios case study 1 male age 65 full thickness tear of supra, moderate oa full range of motion. It can be caused by an overload of the four muscles located in that region, or an inflammation of one of the tendons. The four muscles that form the rotator cuff are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. This muscle chart ebook covers the following regions. Ive just added in the muscles here and well just take a look at the muscles that make up the rotator cuff, and a look at their function.

In anatomy, the rotator cuff is a group of muscles and their tendons that act to stabilize the shoulder and allow for its extensive range of motion. S is used to help remember the muscles that make up the rotator cuff. Each rotator cuff muscle performs a specific and important function for your shoulder joint. The rotator cuff tendons supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis are just outside the shoulder joint and its capsule. The rotator cuff rc is a common name for the group of 4 distinct muscles and their tendons, which provide strength and stability during motion to the shoulder complex. Primary care sports medicine fellow steadman hawkins clinic of the carolinas. It inserts lower on the humerus than the rotator cuff muscles and is involved in adducting the arm bringing it closer to the midline of the body. The teres major muscle has its origin on the scapula, like the rotator cuff muscles, but is not involved in rotating the arm.

A thorough understanding of the anatomy and function of the rotator cuff and of the consequences of rotator cuff disorders is essential for optimal treatment planning and prognostic accuracy. It is prone to injury, but doing specific exercises can help prevent this. The tendons of these muscles are fused to the underlying capsule of the shoulder joint. Learn all about the muscles of the rotator cuff with our flashcard images and videos. The rotator cuff refers to a group of four tendons and muscles that form a cuff to stabilize the shoulder joint and keep the arm in the shoulder socket, while allowing it to move in different directions. The rotator cuff is made up of four muscles supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor and their tendons. Anatomy and imaging of the shoulder in rotator cuff. These four muscles arise from the scapula and insert onto. Clinically relevant anatomy2 the shoulder or better the shoulder girdle. Its strength almost entirely depends on the tone of the rotator cuff muscles. If pain, weakness, and stiffness in your shoulder see figure in appendix are related to problems with your rotator cuff, a doctor will usually first recommend nonsurgical treatment. Dec 17, 2018 the rotator cuff includes the following muscles. Arterial supply to the rotator cuff muscles scielo.

The subscapularis arises from the anterior aspect of the scapula and attaches over much of the lesser tuberosity. The rotator cuff serves several functions in glenohumeral joint motion and stability. The long head of the biceps tendon is also often included in rotator cuff pathology. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the head of your upper arm bone firmly within the shallow socket of the shoulder. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that form a cuff over the shoulder. Your arm is kept in your shoulder socket by your rotator cuff. Structure and function of the rotator cuff muscle origin on scapula attachment on humerus function innervation supraspinatus muscle supraspinous. Clinical examination of the rotator cuff pubmed central pmc. Three of the four rotator cuff muscles are deep to the deltoid and trapezius muscles and cannot be seen unless those muscles are first removed and one is on the anterior side of the scapula bone and cannot be seen from the surface. However, more serious injuries, such as complete rotator cuff tears, may require surgical repair. European perspective and the humerus distal to the cuff insertion, and abutment of the undersurface of the supraspinatus tendon aga inst the superior glenoid.

The rotator cuff is a synthesis of the capsule of the glenohumeral joint with the tendons of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles fig. Famous physical therapists bob schrupp and brad heineck demonstrate the 10 best rotator cuff exercises for strengthening your shoulder. Basketball, netball, baseball, softball, cricket and golf. This is an online quiz called rotator cuff muscles. The rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles that support and rotate the glenohumeral joint see below rotator cuff tears are common. May 22, 2019 rotator cuff stretches are important for the flexibility and range of motion of the shoulder, chest and upper back muscles. Rotator cuff tears often present with shoulder pain, weakness, and loss of range of motion. The muscles of the rotator cuff help stabilize the shoulder and enable. Stretching the muscles that you strengthen is important for restoring range of motion and preventing injury. Click on the tags below to find other quizzes on the same subject. Gain a rich clinical view of all aspects of the shoulder, upper arm and elbow, forearm and wrist, and hand and finger in one comprehensive volume conveyed through beautiful illustrations as well as uptodate radiologic and laparoscopic images.

Background description o commonly occurs in patients between the ages of 4070. Of the seven scapulohumeral muscles, four make up the rotator cuff. Together they assist in stabilizing the shoulder joint as well as in performing various arm. They work in tandem with the posterior deltoid to externally laterally rotate the humerus, as well as perform adduction, extension and. Muscles of the rotator cuff human anatomy and physiology. The muscles arise from the scapula and connect to the. It is not a big operation to repair a torn rotator cuff, but the rehabilitation time can be long depending on the size of the tear and the quality of the tendons muscles. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that come together as tendons to form a covering around the shoulder. Sits is the acronym that many personal trainers use to remember the four rotator cuff muscle names. Rotator cuff muscular, musculoskeletal anatomyzone. Often those ruptures have been preceded by degenerative changes in the rotator cuff. Which two rotator cuff muscles laterally rotate the arm at the shoulder. Learn all about origins, insertions, functions and common injuries here. Certainly the rotator cuff as the name suggests plays a major role in the internal and external rotation of the upper arm in the shoulder joint.

Sits is the acronym that many personal trainers use to remember the four rotator cuff muscle. Rotator cuff sprain and strains university of california. In addition to the branches of these parent arteries, the rotator cuff muscles were found to be supplied by the dorsal. Bobby masocol md primary care sports medicine fellow. Your rotator cuff in made up of four muscles that combine at your shoulder to form a thick covering over this joint. Rotator cuff injury symptoms and causes mayo clinic. Most rotator cuff tears can be repaired surgically by reattaching the torn tendons to the humerus. Although the rotator cuff can be damaged from a single traumatic injury, damage to the rotator cuff usually occurs gradually. Bobby masocol md primary care sports medicine fellow steadman. Lennard funk for msc orthopaedic engineering, 2005. The tendons of the rotator cuff muscles blend with the joint capsule. Three of the muscles rotate the humerus externally outward and all attach to the greater tubercle. Pdf the rotator cuff includes the following muscles. The rotator cuff is comprised of four short muscles and their tendons.