Pre-conquest personal names of domesday book

A welsh record of an anglosaxon political mutilation jstor. Watts, the cambridge dictionary of english placenames. The preconquest woodland of hawling, gloucestershire wood of the men of the. The name domesday book is therefore a function of its awesome reputation. The preconquest personal names of domesday book olof. In the 11th century, surnames were still in a state of flux and many people still did not have what we would consider a surname.

One column of the spreadsheet is used to record the personal name as recorded in the original text of domesday book, which is written in latin. In dealing with the short forms of personal names which occur in countless placenames, it is. William malet is one of many landowners mentioned by name in the domesday book. Old english anglosaxon the academy of saint gabriel. District of bellinge, containing former villages of great and little billing, now lost among housing estates. A list of anglosaxon proper names from the time of beda to that of kingfohn cambridge 1897, p. The cambridge history of the english language is the first multivolume work to provide a comprehensive and authoritative account of the history of english from its beginnings to its presentday worldwide use. In the origin of the anglo sacon race by thomas william shore 1906, there is a claim made by the author that some slavic peoples took part in the anglo saxon invasion of england. It includes sources of income but not expenses, such as castles, unless they needed to be included to explain discrepancies between preand postconquest. Domesday book interpreting domesday the national archives. Such a book has long been needed, and there can be little but praise for the way in which. Surnames mentioned in the domesday book british surnames. Inaugural dissertation as a terminus ad quem i have chosen 1066. The old english name is on record in the yorkshire domesday book, as sonneu.

The continental germanic personal names in england in old and middle english times. The name domesday book, commonly applied from the 12th century ce, may derive from doom, the term for a customary law in anglosaxon england, or be a reference to the day of judgement, referred to in the bibles book of revelation, reminding that the records in domesday book were final and could not be disputed. The preconquest personal names of domesday book volume 3 of nomina germanica volume 3 of nomina germanica. Studies on uncompounded personal names in old english. This would explain why he did not write up the return for the eastern circuit, which also survives in its original form and is known as little domesday book. Famous for the sword of winfarthing, reputedly left by a thief who sheltered in the churchyard, and enshrined later in the church.

The preconquest personalnames of domesday book, nomina germanica 3. The preconquest personal names of the domesday book. But domesdays main organising principle is personal, not geographical. This page simply records all owner names mentioned in domesday book. The domesday forms of this name goda, gode represent the feminine old english gode. The scribe himself appears uncertain as to whether there is a difference in the names, often dropping the final character, which occurs several times in the counties of circuit six. Finally, pre conquest personal names in domesday book, edited by o. It was said to help find lost objects, and lose unwanted husbands, although the sword itself was lost. Anna, dot, thorir counting domesday personal names david n. In 1937, he was awarded a doctorate for his thesis the preconquest personal names of domesday book. All who are interested in old english or old norse nomenclature will welcome dr.

Conquest personal names of domesday book is now seen as a less reliable guide to the lateeleventhcentury pronunciation and v ernacular orthography of personal names than we used to suppose, more. A county by county list of the latinized names found in the great and little domesday books, with standardized forms. Anna, dot, thorir counting domesday personal names david. Bates, a bibliography of domesday book woodbridge, 1986. Sunniva is the latinized form from acta sanctorum in selio. Great billing church was consecrated in 1759 because it was thought the devil had destroyed its spire.

Why did so few anglosaxon names survive the conquest. The name turfredus is first recorded in the pre conquest personal names of the domesday book 1049. The preconquest personal names of domesday book book, 1937. The preconquest personal names of domesday book diva. Excerpt from studies on uncompounded personal names in old english.

The name was corrected by the exon scribe from albric aubrey to aluuric aelfric by underlining some letters for deletion and interlining new ones. The domesday book alan stanier see the internet archives copy of this page, from november 2004 detailed information about great and little domesday and the three main satellites, including a glossary and a guide to weights and measures. Scandinavian personal names in foreign fields persee. First, the way in which preconquest landholders are recorded in domesday book makes it difficult to identify individuals. Conceived by william i, but probably to some extent based on preconquest administrative records, it was the most comprehensive assessment of property and land ever undertaken in medieval europe.

Conceived by william i, but probably to some extent based on pre conquest administrative records, it was the most comprehensive assessment of property and land ever undertaken in medieval europe. Lewis, danish landowners in eleventhcentury wessex, and d. Scandinavian personal names in lincolnshire and yorkshire. The royal charters of the preconquest age, formal as they are, contain. Pdf peasant personal names and bynames from lateeleventh. Continentalgermanic personal names in england in old and middle english times. Both containing as their first elements thor coming from the olde norse porr, the name of the god of thunder in scandinavian mythlogy. He served as treasurer of the ortnamnssallskapet i uppsala place name society of uppsala from 1937 to 1938, when he became a librarian in gothenborg. Name, type, places owned before the conquest, places owned after the conquest. The first, called little domesday, covers essex, norfolk, and suffolk. The cambridge history of the english language edited by. Domesday book attributes about 27,000 parcels of property to people bearing about 1,200 different personal names. Produced at amazing speed in the years after the conquest, the domesday book.

The domesday book was compiled on the orders of william the conquerer to catalogue the ownership and value of land in the newly conquered territories of england. The place names found in the domesday book are township and estate names, and may include other villages and hamlets that receive no specific mention in the text. Probert, names and landholders in preconquest dorset, given at the international medieval congress, university of leeds, 11 july 2012. Personal names in the domesday book, by constanza of thamesreach. Goda is a masculine old english name, but as it is obvious that in domesday the two names coalesced and as the countess is regularly called goda, it was decided by jrm and accepted by. Similarly in england, it is only because osmundus, the preconquest tenant of thorpe mandeville in northamptonshire, is distinguished in domesday book with the byname danus the dane gdb 227b, that it is justifiable to assume that jie was in fact a dane and that the name he bore was a reflex of danish asmund rather than of oe osmund. The cambridge history of the english language is the first multivolume work to provide a comprehensive and authoritative account of the history of english from. The national archives is the home of domesday book, the oldest surviving public record. Wallingford, berkshire, before the norman conquest if the king sent an army.

In lincolnshire, sighvatr was evidently a kings man and one of four brothers who inherited the preconquest land of their father in lindsey. The linguistics and culture of the old english onomasticon. The old icelandic form is sunnifa manuscript spelling sunniu. The original 11th century ce name seems to have been more. The final element derives from the olde english firhde or farith meaning woodland or barren land. Similarly in england, it is only because osmundus, the pre conquest tenant of thorpe mandeville in northamptonshire, is distinguished in domesday book with the byname danus the dane gdb 227b, that it is justifiable to assume that jie was in fact a dane and that the name he bore was a reflex of danish asmund rather than of oe osmund. All are renditions of the old english name sunngifu, sunnigifu, from sunne, sun, and gifu, gift. Redin, studies on uncompounded personal names in old english uppsala, 1919, 689. Aug 14, 2010 this would explain why he did not write up the return for the eastern circuit, which also survives in its original form and is known as little domesday book. Others appear with names associated with more personal characteristics, such. The domesday book and the early sewells the sole society. Researchers obtained this data from the alecto edition facsimile.

The preconquest personal names of domesday book book. The norman conquest, which radically transformed the anglosaxon community, also brought about a. First, the way in which pre conquest landholders are recorded in domesday book makes it difficult to identify individuals. Note that the same name is not necessarily the same person. References to little domesday book ldb are by folio with a for the recto and. In the anglosaxon chronicle the individual scandinavian nameelements are. The placenames found in the domesday book are township and estate names, and may include other villages and hamlets that receive no specific mention in the text. The norse sigeweald, sigvaldr or sighvatr is recorded in the domesday book as siuuat or siwat and is found in lincs 5, notts 1 and oxon 1. An ancient record made in the time of william the conqueror, and now remaining in the english exchequer, consisting of two volumes. In fact, there are thousands of people mentioned in the survey, but the scribe often missed out their second name, and wrote down only their personal names. The history and religion of israel the clarendon bible.

Book compiled in 10856 is one of the few historical records whose name is. Domesday book is the collective term for these two volumes. The domesday book records details of a survey of land ownership and taxation that was completed in 1086 under the direction of william the conqueror. Finally, preconquest personal names in domesday book, edited by o.